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In response to the impact that the COVID-19 outbreak is having on the greater Detroit community, SAY Detroit launched the DETROIT BEATS COVID-19! initiative to spearhead efforts for immediate and impactful actions to protect and support some of our most vulnerable population — seniors, first responders, children, and the homeless.

Detroiters in need of a PCR test to confirm a COVID-19 diagnosis or seeking a vaccine may contact the SAY Detroit Family Health Clinic (211 Glendale Ave, Highland Park, MI 48203) to make an appointment at (313) 758-6100. For help repapring, click here.

Primary Achieved Goals

mobile testing

Create a COVID-19 mobile testing center in Detroit

In collaboration with SAY Detroit Family Health Clinic, Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries, EVO Detroit / Detroit2Nepal, Trinity Health, and MI Healthcare Professionals.
food delivery

Feed 2,000 Homebound Seniors Weekly

And help partners sustain and grow home meal delivery programs to seniors and adults living with disabilities.


Feed and educate for more than 100 underserved children

Through remote learning and food delivery to members of  SAY Detroit Play Center.

homeless shelter

Support operation of a quarantine center for homeless

At a new Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries facility housing quarantined clients and overflow of new homeless clients seeking aid.


Fund protective wear and supplies for first responders

Such as supporting grassroots projects to create reusable, washable masks and mask protectors.

feed responders local

Feed first responders

Particularly medical and hospital personnel on the front lines through the purchase of food from local Detroit restaurants at risk of closing.

Continue supporting SAY Detroit’s whole-health approach to serving Detroiters in need through its community health clinic and on-site pharmacy, which serves patients regardless of their ability to pay.


COVID-19 Mobile Testing Center Moves to Stimson St. Starting June 8

Testing Without Barriers for Highland Park

thermometers detroit fire department

Keeping First Responders Safe

Responding to a request from the City of Detroit, SAY Detroit has provided gap funding for the purchase of 135 no-touch infrared thermometers for use by first responders at the Detroit Fire Dept. and front-line municipal employees at the Detroit Dept. of Transportation. A $5,000 donation was made to the Detroit Public Safety Foundation.
SAY Detroit Corp Heroes Badge
SAY Play Remote Programming

Remote Learning at SAY Play

While our facility remains closed to ensure the safety of our student members, we remain committed to bringing our social and emotional learning curriculum into the homes of our members every day. Essential to carrying out our mission and vision for the SAY Detroit Play Center is maintaining a dedicated, one-on-one check-ins with our members and their families.
sayplay food distro

Feeding Our Families

While our facility is closed, our work to care for our students continues. With thanks to Jack Aronson’s Clean Planet Foods, we distributed 500 Mindful Meals to our member students and their families on Friday, March 27 – while practicing safe social-distancing, of course! Mindful Meals are 6-ounce meal pouches that can be heated in a microwave in under a minute.

say detroit coronavirus emergency funds

Emergency Funding for Seniors, Homeless, and PPE

How SAY Detroit and founder Mitch Albom are aiding coronavirus impact and recovery efforts with emergency funding of $55,000 to three local-area groups. 

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Coronavirus Response at SAY Clinic

We’re committed to maintaining a clean and safe environment for all patients, volunteers, staff and visitors while continuing our essential services, which includes primary care visits. We’ve outlined our efforts to combat the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) here. 

The Henry Ford Health System Nursing Emergency Needs Fund

launched with a gift from Cynthia and Edsel Ford, will provide support for our nurses and their families as they serve on the frontlines of this crisis.


At the SAY Detroit Family Health Clinic

COVID-19 Testing

If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, have been exposed to someone with it, or need to show a negative test for employment, travel, or an event,  diagnostic testing is available by appointment at the SAY Detroit Family Health Clinic (211 Glendale Ave, Highland Park.) Please call (313) 758-6100 to schedule. 

How do I qualify for a test?

Testing is available for any adult patient who needs one. Minor children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and must be able to show identification (student ID, birth certificate, etc.)

How do I prepare for a test?

Identification / Contact Information

Please bring with you a state ID or city of Detroit ID. Please bring your mobile phone or have a telephone number to provide to staff if you do not have your own so you can be contacted with results or other necessary follow up.

Personal Protective Wear

To help protect yourself and medical personnel, please arrive wearing a mask or other appropriate face covering over your mouth and nose.  If you access the testing in a vehicle, ALL occupants must be wearing a mask as well. If you do not arrive wearing a mask, one will be provided for you.

Testing Procedure

Before you receive a nasal swab test, you will be screened by staff who will take your temperature, measure your blood oxygen level, and discuss your symptoms, if you have any. The procedure takes approximately 10 minutes to complete in full.

When do I get my results?

Results are available within 1– 3 days. You will receive your results by telephone at the number you provided at the time of testing.

COVID-19 Vaccinations

  • Appointment is required
  • Patients 18 years of age or older are eligible.
  • Please arrive on time for your vaccination.
  • Please wear clothing that allows easy access to your upper arm.
  • Please be prepared to wait at the clinic for 15 minutes after your vaccination for observation.