Pistons Partnership Leads to New Programming

The students and leadership at the SAY Detroit Play Center at Lipke Park are excited to participate in Rhymes with Reason, a web-based educational program that uses music to help students learn standardized, literacy-related topics, including vocabulary. The age-based program launched Monday, Jan. 24, with a cohort of 40 students ranging from elementary to high school. The high school students will use Rhymes with Reason as a college prep tool. Rhymes with Reason is an extension of SAY Play students’ after-school homework help sessions, called Next Day. Through SAY Detroit’s partnership with the Detroit Pistons, students will be able to reach education-based milestones within the Rhymes with Reason program that unlock a variety of prizes from the Detroit Pistons and SAY Play.
Health Clinic Helps Parents During Baby’s First Year

A baby’s first year can be challenging and overwhelming. To continue our mission to help the underserved population in Detroit, the SAY Detroit Family Health Clinic launched a program called “First Year”. “First Year” will provide support to pregnant mothers and mothers/caregivers of infants. The SAY Clinic will offer free baby supplies and education. Mothers will work one-on-one with a case manager to set goals for baby’s first year development. For more information, please visit the website.
There is always “A Time to Help”

On Saturday, Feb. 5 Motown Soup will host the first monthly A Time to Help volunteer project of 2022 at Motown Soup in Utica. Volunteers will package soups and other dry mixes for the nonprofit, which sells the mixes and donates 100% of the proceeds to other nonprofits. Motown Soup has donated more than $10,000 the past several years to support the SAY Play meal program. Information on how to register for the volunteer project can be found at atimetohelp.org.
SAY Detroit Vaccination Days

SAY Detroit is continuing to help our community in the fight against COVID-19. On Friday, Jan. 7 the SAY Detroit Play Center, along with the SAY Family Health Clinic, hosted a vaccination event for SAY Play students and their families to get up-to-date on vaccinations. The event was also open to any eligible local community members. Visit the health clinic website for COVID-19 testing schedules.
(Let’s hear it for our great health care professionals! They enjoyed the @notesfornotes studio at SAY Play.)