Motown Soup is a volunteer-driven nonprofit that produces and sells products such as soup and dips to benefit homeless shelters, soup kitchens and food pantries. SAY Detroit has been the proud recipient of funding from the organization the past few years to support our meal program for area youth who attend the SAY Play Center at Lipke Park. The project will involve packaging soup mixes and other items to help restock and replenish Motown Soup’s shelves.
Date: Saturday, February 5
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Clean-up will begin shortly after 11:30 am.)
Where: Motown Soup in the lower level of Trinity Lutheran Church, 45160 Van Dyke Ave., Utica, MI (corner of Hall Road and Van Dyke) | Map | Look for our ATTH sign, which will be outside the door.
Parking: Free parking in lot adjacent to the church.
Volunteers Needed: 25
Attire/Other Info: All volunteers will be outfitted in aprons, hair nets/caps and food safety gloves on location. Face coverings (masks) are required. Please don’t attend if you have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past 14 days, meaning two weeks before the project, and don’t attend if you don’t feel well (but please unregister on CERVIS). This is a registration-only event on CERVIS.
Sign up via our CERVIS form here.