How to Support SAY Detroit
Other ways to give

You will be directed to a voicemail inbox, where we ask you leave your name and number. A representative will return your call to process payment information.
By Mail:
To donate to SAY Detroit, please make check payable to SAY Detroit and indicate which specific program to which you would like your gift directed in the memo line (SAY Play, Working Homes / Working Families, etc.).
Mail check to:
29836 Telegraph Road
Southfield, MI 48034

Detroit Water Ice Factory & Brown Bag Popcorn
Buy /Sell for charity
eBay for Charity has partnered with the PayPal Giving Fund to make it easy for sellers to donate 10% to 100% of a listing’s final sale price to SAY Detroit automatically. Click here to get started to shop for or sell items that benefit SAY Detroit. (FAQs here. )
PayPal Giving Fund
Click here to make a donation to SAY Detroit directly.
Read about our commitment to financial transparency.