Yes, it’s the middle of fall, but A Time to Help is in a spring cleaning kind of mood. So for this month’s project we’ll be heading downtown to help the Detroit Water Ice Factory. Created in 2015 by SAY Detroit founder Mitch Albom, DWIF sells frozen desserts and other treats with profits going to support SAY Detroit’s programming to help citizens in need. We’ll be doing a deep cleaning and re-organizing of the storefront and storage room. ATTH requests that all volunteers be at least 15-years-old for the project, and all teens must be accompanied by an adult. This is a registration-only event. We request that all volunteers wear a mask, even if you’re vaccinated.
Date: Saturday, November 20
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Where: Detroit Water Ice Factory | 1014 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI | Map
Volunteers Needed: 20
Parking: Parking is available for $10 in the deck across the street from the storefront on Woodward, and in lots around One Campus Martius. SAY Detroit apologizes that it is unable to pay for volunteer parking.
Other Information: This is a registration-only project via CERVIS/this website. Please wear comfortable clothing. Some cleaning supplies will be available, but feel free to bring your own such as window and all-purpose cleaner, mops, rags, etc. Just remember to put your name on your items so you can take them back home. After the project, all volunteers are welcome to enjoy a frozen dessert!
Sign up via our CERVIS form here.