Even before the session started, the participants who arrived for Wellness Wednesdays’ monthly women’s support group today knew this was going to be a different afternoon.
First, there was the venue: The event was held outdoors under a tent instead of in the gym at the Ernest T. Ford Recreation Center. Then there was the event itself, moderated by Pandora Brown — co-owner of “Yes You Can Home Help Agency’’ — who created her own BINGO-style game and used it as a vehicle to discuss aging and mental health, specifically, worry, anxiety and depression, in older adults.
“This mind of ours is stronger than a computer,’’ Brown said. “Just remember, you can always change your mind. You can manage everything you’re going through, good and bad. Everything is connected to your emotions.’’
She reminded the group that when you reach out to each other, be intentional about it.
“When you say to someone, ‘How are you doing?’ listen to what the person says, how they answer — don’t dismiss it,’’ Brown said.
She added, “How many times have you awoke feeling good, then somebody calls and your mood suddenly changes?’’

When that happens, Brown offered a simple trick to return to your good mood: “Even if you stand up, change your position, your mind can change with it.’’
Wellness Wednesdays next session is Aug. 21 at the Ford Rec center.