The Little Caesars Love Kitchen is back, and provided a delicious delivery of pizza for our Community Partnership Celebration at SAY Detroit Play Center on March 4. For 37 years, the Little Caesars Love Kitchen has traveled across the United States and Canada to donate and serve pizza meals to those in need in the 48 contiguous states and four Canadian provinces. It is an annual tradition to include SAY Play among more than a dozen community organizations when the Love Kitchen returns home to Detroit in the month of February.
We were grateful to have SAY Play director Eric Reed, Mitch Albom, Chris Ilitch, David Scrivano and Councilman Scott Benson speak to our kids about the commitment to community.
This year we invited admins from our community schools, who were able to experience SAY Play and tour its facilities firsthand. Previous celebrations have included “Family Fun Day,” spelling bees, and other fun and educational activities.