Volunteers Plant Community and Seed Joy at Urban Farm

July 15, 2024

More than 30 A Time to Help volunteers, including a group of 15 from Cross and Anchor Church (thank you Lindsay and Josh!), spent their Saturday, July 13 tending to garden beds at Park Village in Highland Park today. There were over 100 raised garden beds, among other areas of this massive property, that received love and care.

Parker Village was established by Juan Shannon in October 2015 to provide citizens in Highland Park with fresh, locally grown food distribution by operating a small-scale farmers market. They also provide fresh vegetables on a weekly basis to the SAY Detroit Family Health Clinic. On the 43,000 sq ft, former home of Thompson Elementary School, Parker Village has over 200 garden beds. The first solar powered-smart street light in the midwest was installed there in 2018; a second was added in 2020 along with a second installation, a water and power shed, along with a solar pergola.

Juan, Monica, Yetu, Carol, & Roy of Parker Village are extremely grateful for all of the help and time everyone put in! Stay tuned for recurring opportunities at Parker Village and join us Saturday, August 17 when we help Detroit Hives with some landscaping and gardening on the site of their newest pollinator habitat.