A packed waiting room greeted Dr. Keyshia Covington and the S.A.Y. Detroit Family Health Clinic staff on Thursday morning. The main reason was right outside the door: It was the day that The Anthony L. Soave Family Mobile Mammography and Health Screening Center was at the clinic to ensure that all women have easy access to high-quality breast health services regardless of their ability to pay.
The Soave Family mobile unit is part of St. John Providence’s mission of making screening mammography accessible to those in need in and around metro Detroit.
Nearly 20 women received free mammograms beginning at 9 a.m. at the S.A.Y. Clinic on Glendale. It marked the second time this year that the mobile unit visited the clinic.
“We’re going to get another date because we already have an overflow list,” Dr. Covington said. “It’s incredibly valuable because in our last session we had multiple people needing secondary follow-up — ultrasounds, biopsies. Without the opportunity to get screened, they would have never had access to this critical care. They’re so grateful.”
S.A.Y. Detroit is deeply appreciative of St. John Providence and The Anthony L. Soave Family Mammography and Health Screening Center for helping serve the female patients at the clinic.