Local businesses, large and small, are encouraged to take “The Popcorn Pledge”, as a way to reward their employees and clients with delicious Brown Bag Popcorn, while simultaneously helping to promote social justice in the Detroit Community, by supporting
SAY Detroit. 100% of the profits from the sale of Brown Bag Popcorn benefit those in our community who most need our help during these challenging times.
Starting September 15th, through October 15th, businesses are encouraged to visit www.brownbagpopcorn/pledge and place an order for delivery anytime between now and December 15th. Companies that take the pledge and purchase at least $1,000 worth of popcorn tins will be recognized and celebrated in a variety of ways that demonstrate our gratitude for their support.
“Brown Bag Popcorn and our sister store, The Detroit Water Ice Factory were both started in Detroit as a way to raise money to support SAY Detroit, which serves everyone from working moms, the homeless, senior citizens, veterans and young adults. We also operate a free clinic that provides ‘no questions asked’ medical care. The Popcorn Pledge is a way for local businesses to support social justice in our community by supporting the work of SAY Detroit,” said
Mitch Albom, SAY Detroit Founder.
About Brown Bag Popcorn – It’s made fresh daily and can be sent directly to your company or mailed to individual clients. Visit www.brownbagpopcorn/pledge for more information.
For questions or assistance with your order, contact michael@brownbagpopcorn.com