It’s a familiar phrase this time of year: spring cleaning. But what does it mean? Simply put, it’s up to you.
That was part of the discussion of today’s “Wellness Wednesdays’’ female-focused support group and luncheon, a monthly collaboration between the SAY Family Health Clinic and the SAY Play Center at Lipke Park.
“To me, spring cleaning is like a fresh start,’’ program facilitator Maia Campbell offered to the group of 16 gathering in SAY Play’s dance room. “It’s the melting of snow, flowers are coming up — it’s the start of something new. But to others, it’s something else.’’
As the focus of “Wellness Wednesdays’’ is on self-care, Campbell took the opportunity to remind the group of importance of preventative care, listing a myriad of screenings that are key to good health. Topping the list: blood pressure.
“I wanted to stress the importance of using spring as a way to monitor and keep track of your health,’’ she said. “Not just cleaning your house, but making a check list of all the things you put off all winter, like those important screenings.’’
The next Wellness Wednesdays is scheduled for May 18 at SAY Play. Topic: mental health awareness. Registration is required and space is limited. Please call 313-758-6100 to reserve your spot. Transportation is available, but also must be reserved.