House Given To Working Mom

House Given To Working Mom

April 8, 2014 – Detroit – Mitch Albom and Dr. Chad Audi of the Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (DRMM) gave away their 18th home through the Working Homes/Working Families charity this morning to a very surprised Detroit mother of three. The woman, known as Taisha,...
Time To Help Renovate A Community Center

Time To Help Renovate A Community Center

A Time To Help is teaming up with Ravendale Community, Inc. on Saturday, April 26 to clean up an old, abandoned building that will soon become the new home of the Ravendale Community Center. Located at 8030 E. Outer Drive in Detroit, the former Duke Ellington...
Food Bank Restocked

Food Bank Restocked

This past Saturday, March 22, Time To Help monthly volunteers came out in record numbers to help sort more than 20,000 pounds of food to be distributed to Detroit’s needy by Gleaners Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan. Several first time volunteers and a large...