News & Updates
Coronavirus Response at SAY Clinic
The SAY Detroit Family Health Clinic is committed to maintaining a clean and safe environment for all patients, volunteers, staff and visitors while continuing our essential services. As such, we have outlined our efforts to combat the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19)
Giving Shines as Radiothon Funds Are Distributed
Representatives from nearly two dozen area charities received checks today totaling more than $1.25 million from donations raised at the seventh annual SAY Detroit Radiothon, broadcast on WJR-AM last December. The distribution ceremony at the Fisher Building, an annual event since the Radiothon’s inception, included several first-time recipients, including Avalon Village, FoodLab Detroit, Yad Ezra, […]
Sharing the Giving: More than $1 Million Given to Detroit Charities
DETROIT, March 27, 2018 — Representatives from 22 area charities accepted checks totaling nearly $1.25 million on Tuesday from donations raised at Mitch Albom’s S.A.Y. Detroit Radiothon last December. The ceremony at the Fisher Building, which included six first-time recipients, has become S.A.Y. Detroit’s favorite day of the year, said Albom, who distributed the funds […]
Experiencing Goodness Twice, Charity to Charity
S.A.Y. Detroit Family Health Clinic Receives Donated Coats Highland Park, MI: Lisa Dunn’s act of charity was inspired by another charity that popped up, literally, right down the road from her popular Deja Vu, an upscale designer resale boutique in Franklin. “When I saw the Detroit Water Ice Factory store in the Franklin Cider Mill […]
Mobile Mammography Center Visits S.A.Y. Detroit Family Health Clinic
A packed waiting room greeted Dr. Keyshia Covington and the S.A.Y. Detroit Family Health Clinic staff on Thursday morning. The main reason was right outside the door: It was the day that The Anthony L. Soave Family Mobile Mammography and Health Screening Center was at the clinic to ensure that all women have easy access to […]
$1 Million in Radiothon Funds Distributed to 20 Charities
Representatives from 20 area charities accepted checks totaling more than $1 million on Tuesday from donations raised at Mitch Albom’s fifth annual SAY Detroit Radiothon last December. The ceremony at the Fisher Building included several first-time beneficiaries, including the Bing Youth Institute — a mentoring program for urban youth created by former Detroit Mayor and […]